Laser hair reduction

Laser Hair Removal in Mumbai

Most of the females are fond of long hair but when it comes to hands, legs or other parts. hair becomes extremely annoying.  Because we all desire hairless and clean body parts. Although, we have solutions like waxing, shaving, tweezing and the option of hair reduction creams is also added to this list. But isn’t all these are bit fussy and time-consuming?

Since all these are just temporary solutions. All these solutions become a routine because it has to be done monthly. But why put so much effort and go through that pain of waxing every month when we have a permanent solution for the reduction of unwanted body hair?

Yes, you heard it right. Now we have a solution for the reduction in the growth of your unwanted body hair with the help of laser hair reduction treatment. 

Laser hair reduction is a medical treatment that uses a concentrated radiate of light to reduce unwanted hair from the body. During this treatment, a laser release a ray of light that is absorbed by the pigment inside the hair. The light energy is transformed into heat which results in the destruction of hair follicles that produces hair this destruction will result in inhibition or slow down in future hair growth. 

Laser hair reduction does not guarantee permanent hair reduction but it will effectively delay hair growth for a very long period. This treatment is effective for all skin types.

Laser hair reduction treatment is useful for the reduction of unwanted hair from the area like armpits, chin, bikini line, upper lip, legs,  hands, etc. But the skin with tattoos cannot be treated. Multiple sessions are needed for the initial hair reduction. 

Following are the benefits of laser  treatment 

–  This treatment precisely targets the hair follicles without damaging the surrounding area. 

–  This is a speedy process that can treat many hairs at the same time in a fraction of a second. Areas like upper lips are treated within a minute and areas like legs and back can take nearly an hour.

–  A very good result is experienced by clients. Some of them even got rid of unwanted hair permanently and some a  very effective reduction in hair growth.

Side effects differ from person to person depending upon hair color, skin type, and amount of care taken before and after the treatment. Following are the most common  side effects of laser hair reduction treatment

1- Skin irritation 

Swelling, redness, and discomfort are very common after laser hair reduction treatment.  This is just a temporary side effect. 

2- Pigment changes 

This treatment can either darken or lighten the affected area of the skin. This can either be temporary or permanent. Such side effects can be avoided if proper care is taken before and after the treatment.

As compared to other treatments it is the most effective treatment. Hair doesn’t fall out immediately after treatment. It takes some days for the hair to fall out.  

Although, this does not give a guarantee that your hair will not grow at all but the growth will slow down and new hair will be lighter in color and finer.

This treatment will require two to six weeks depending upon the area of treatment. Before starting the treatment your hair will be trimmed few millimeters.  The equipment will be adjusted depending upon the part you want to be treated, thickness, hair color, and also the color of your skin. The topical unaesthetic will be applied to your skin to minimize the discomfort during the treatment. During the treatment, a cool device or cool gel might be used in order to protect your skin and minimize the risk of side effects.

Treating areas like the upper lip will take few minutes and areas like the leg and back can take more than an hour. 

After the treatment is done, you might notice some swelling and redness for few hours.  

To reduce the redness and swelling apply ice on the treated area. Just in case you get a skin reaction we will provide you Steroid cream to apply on the affected area. 

After laser hair reduction treatment and between scheduled sessions avoid going out in the sunlight and avoid using a tanning bed for six weeks or as prescribed by the doctor.